Strong Island Foundation has partnered with Pacific Koha, a New Zealand charity and Torah Community in East Makira to develop a WaSH (Water and Sanitation Hygiene) project.
Like many other communities in Solomon Islands, Torah community suffers from regular diarrhea and other water related diseases.
The gravity fed water delivery system for 300 people in Torah community is 40 years old and is in a state of disrepair after years of earthquakes, salt water damage and neglect. It is likely to completely fail in the near future. There are currently an average of 50 people using one water point. With no taps the water runs continuously and the community frequently runs out of water.
Pacific Koha is working with the community to rebuild the water delivery system and training a team to maintain and repair the water system.
Having sufficient water will not stop diseases, so Strong Island Foundation is running a comprehensive hygiene programme.
While traditional hygiene programmes have concentrated on handwashing, our hygiene programme includes food hygiene, water storage and delivery and rubbish management. We have trained 6 household assessors nominated by the community, who are conducting monthly household assessments to work out initiatives required to improve health in their community.
We are seeking donations to make this project a reality.
For more information see our website : www.torahwash.org
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